Auto Glass Insurance
Does your car insurance policy cover your auto glass repair and replacement needs? Many people tend to get confused when they need to make a correct decision of having a viable and suitable car insurance policy. It is very important to make a correct choice as nobody wants to spend money on something which is not beneficial for them. If you do not pay attention to the car insurance policy then probably you will end up having a policy which has no added value for the money that your are paying as the insurance premium. Yet every year, a lot of residents in USA, pay more than required for auto insurance.
Some Common Aspects Of Car Insurance Policy
Auto insurance coverage may vary from one provider to another but generally all type of auto insurance cover basic auto repair and replacement needs. However, you will have to find out if your auto insurance policy covers your windshield repair and replacement needs. Most of the comprehensive policies include the windshield repair as a part of the whole deal but many providers charge windshield repair deductable separately to cover your auto for the windshield replacement in case of collision.
If your insurance provider charges you a collision deductable amount of $1000 or more then you should not opt to get your windshield repaired or replaced using the insurance as you may hardly avail the replacement or repair cover; even if you do encounter such a situation, you can get your windshield repaired or replaced for a much lower amount. Many insurance providers would cover your windshield repair and replacement need for a small extra amount. If you feel that the deductable is justified then you can get the windshield coverage through your insurance provider.
Sometimes your insurance premiums might go high if you have used your insurance policy in the past. Check with your insurance provider if the windshield and auto glass damage in included in such a case.
Another important aspect of auto insurance policy is that many insurance companies will make it compulsory for their customers to avail the services of only the designated auto repair companies. So it is better to speak with your insurance provider before taking your car to a particular shop as you may not want to bear the cost of repair when you have already paid a particular amount as an insurance premium.
The insurance companies work on the assumption that not many customers are going to file their claims and therefore their sales representative may not provide you the details pertaining to your auto insurance which you should know beforehand. Therefore it is advisable that you read the insurance policy well so that you are not misguided. |